You may be a mature Christian who understands their identity in Christ. You may be completely convinced of the truth, that you are already seated in heavenly places with Christ. You may be enjoying divine health since the Atonement of Jesus Christ has already provided it for you.
Does that mean there is no necessity to eat right and take care of your body? Of course not. Here's one of many scriptures that give us a good reason to take care of ourselves with diet and exercise. 2Corinthians 7:1-Since we have these promises dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
If there was ever a time in history (as far as I know), that it was important to watch what we eat, it's now. That which is being done to food in the name of profit is horrible. I'm convinced that processed foods, refined sugar and cooked vegetables (to name a few), are a major culprit of various health problems in this world. People need to be educated about these things. I believe that, the more people know the truth, the more they will be encouraged to take care of themselves.
If you read Joshua 14, you will see an account of Caleb saying that he had just as much strength at the age of 85 as he did at 40. Granted, Caleb was a God-fearing man, but I know of no God-fearing men that could make that claim. Is it possible that Caleb was exceptionally God-fearing. Maybe, but should that really account for such a huge variation in health and fitness results between him and many, many God-fearing men of modern history? I don't think so. So, what's the answer? The word of God doesn't tell us, but my guess is, the man also took care of himself. He, along with everyone else, ate the food that God made, that wasn't tampered with by man. There were no canned goods with ingredients that he couldn't pronounce. The story of Caleb's strength not waning gives me tremendous encouragement because I believe that strength can be for me and you too.
Stay tuned for education and encouragement.