Monday, February 28, 2011

Practical solutions

I was talking with my friend Joel Jackson and he gave me an idea for a blog.  Whenever we speak, the subject matter is not just the supernatural, but practical solutions for people.  For example, if you have cavities, it may be because your eating too much sugar.  Of course God can supernaturally fill in those cavities, but if he doesn't, I guarantee you it's because he's telling you to stop eating all that candy.  Consuming too much sugar will rot your teeth, period.  (besides all the other harm it does to your body, such as welcoming free radicals into your cells.)  We shouldn't go to extremes with the supernatural power of God because of what Jesus did.  God wants us to be responsible with our bodies.  Don't develop the mindset that you can eat anything you want because Mark 16 says that believers will drink deadly poison and it will not harm them.  That scripture verse is not implying that you can purposefully drink deadly poison since you have that verse to protect you.  That's just stupid thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I always remember the account of David (to become King David) he was faithful to look after the 'natural things' i.e. the sheep, and God made him ruler over all. In the same context we are called to live under the 'natural law' as much as we are instructed in the Bible, in looking after our own bodies. Let us say for example, that we suddenly 'realise' that we are not under natural law but supernatural law and so decide one day to drive on the wrong side of the road. Guess what will happen! lol I know it is an extreme analogy but we need to do all WE know to do, and let God do the rest. xx
