Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Real food or modified?

I don't write a fit minister blog because I eat a perfect diet.  I eat junk food like many people.  I think it's a good idea to promote healthy food for several reasons.  One reason is because there is an assault on our food supply by the globalists.  These people, who want to change the world to fit their view of things, are trying to create the illusion of scarcity.  Their behavior is evil and rooted in greed.  Making people believe there is not enough food drives up the price of food.  It also justifies them modifying food, which is not good.  Whenever man messes with God's creation, the result is disaster.  When people become informed of what is really going on, that is how things begin to get turned around for the better because there will always be some who become proactive to make things right.  Stand against genetically modified foods (GMO'S)  Here is a link where you can purchase NON-GMO, heirloom seeds:  http://www.seedsurvivalist.com/products/products.html