Monday, February 14, 2011

Forget synthetics, real food is medicine.

King Hezekiah got sick and was dying.  He wrote down his thoughts about the situation after his recovery. There are a few points I want to make.  Hezekiah wrote, "In the prime of my life must I go through the gates of death and be robbed of the rest of my years?"-Isaiah 38:10.  What's interesting here is that he felt as if he was being robbed by dying earlier than he thought he should.  Nowadays, we have Christians that will say, "Well, it must have been God's will for him to die at that early age."  No, God has promised us long life, meaning 70, 80 or 90 years.  Some think even longer and I have no problem with that.  The oldest person in the world just died at 115.

The Lord gave Isaiah a practical answer for Hezekiah's recovery.  "Prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil and he will recover."-Isaiah 38:21.  No man-made chemicals.  God made figs!  Even though you can enjoy divine health because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, God still uses practical solutions, because he never gets rid of something good.  I would encourage you to eat figs.  Get the organic kind that are not preserved with sulfur or any thing else.



  1. Figs are a wonderful source of nutrients. I attach a link (which you will have to cut and paste into your URL) regarding the benefits of figs. Great food source.

  2. Did you know that in the year 1700 Swedish people ate 0,1 kg. (3,5 ounce) pr. year. In the year 1850 it had increased to 4 kg. (8,8 pound). Today the numbers are 45 kg. (99,2 pounds). And in the USA it is much worse. Pure sugar, once a luxury for the rich is now common and cheap thanks to industrialisme and the factories.

    So how does it affect your body eating a hundred pounds (or more) of sugar every year? The white refined sugar does not consist of only dextrose like starch (i.ex. potatoes). White sugar contains only a half of dextrose. The other half is fruit sugar, also called fructose.

    Through history man has not eaten much fructose. We are not made for that. In modern sudies fruit in bigger amounts is the biggest threat to our health. (get in on those stuies later

    If you are willing to do at least just one change in your food habbits you should take away the sugar. Doing so may be your biggest (and easiest) health improvement ever.

  3. Sorry, maybe that post was a little of topic but what I meant was that sugar is just as bad as synthentic food. Although sugar comes from a plant does not mean we are meant to consume it in large amounts. I start every day with some coconut oil. That is quite healthy:
